Week of Love
  1. Name of the intra-school event:Week of Love
  2. Date of the intra-school event:6th May – 10th May
  3. Description of the intra-school event:Our English teachers and NET teachers planned and created various activities for students to participate and enjoy during the recess. The core message of the week was to teach student’s the importance of loving and valuing oneself, our family, friends and our community. During English lessons, students learnt positive traits, listened to some love jokes and also sang together. For NET lessons, students were introduced to the core text “The Reflection in ME, FableVision”, through which they explored and identified their self – worth. Not only that, students embedded the slogan ‘May you see yourself as you truly are’ in the lessons as well as during the recess activities. Week of Love and Growth proved to be a vital point in developing and promoting emotional and mental health of our students.


English Wednesday (P.1-6)
  1. Name of the intra-school event:English Wednesday
  2. Date of the intra-school event:September - July 2024
  3. Description of the intra-school event:To develop an English-speaking culture and provide more opportunity for students to communicate in English at school, students are encouraged to speak in English with teachers and schoolmates every Wednesday.  Every Wednesday morning, our NETs welcome students at the gate and chat with them in the classrooms.  The NETs together with the English Ambassadors also make announcements to remind students to speak in English and share positive quotes on that day.  English songs which carry positive messages are played in the morning.  A series of recess activities are jointly conducted by English Ambassadors and NETs during English Wednesdays.  In order to encourage students to participate in the recess activities, stickers are given to students.  It is observed that a growing number of students, especially junior form students, are becoming more engaged in speaking in English.




75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
  1. Name of the inter-school event:75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
  2. Date of the inter-school event:20th November, 2023 to 20th December, 2023
  3. Description of the inter-school event:The Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association resume live performance mode’ for the competition this year.  This year, 112 students (78 teacher-nominated and 34 self-nominated) participated in the solo-verse competition.  At least two students from each class were selected after the audition with reference to the school’s talent pool.  This year English choral speaking team (P.1-2) got the Second.






1R Yeung Ka Sing 楊嘉昇

2H Tsang Chung Hei 曾頌熹

1G Wong Octavia Augustina 黃天嵐

2G Ying Hau Wang 邢孝泓

2H Yeung Ho Yu 楊皓宇

2P Kwan Pok Him 關博謙

3P Lee Chak Hong 李澤匡

2P Ho Iek Him 何奕謙

6R Lai Pak Hang 黎柏亨

6H Yu Lut Hang 余律行

4G Wong Ophelia Constantina 黃睿淳



5H Wong Pui Yin Charis 黃沛言


Choral Speaking Team (P.1-2): Second

100 Days of Primary 1 celebration
  1. Name of the intra-school event:100 Days of Primary 1 celebration
  2. Date of the intra-school event:15th December, 2023
  3. Description of the intra-school event:This events aims to celebrate the achievements and growth of the P.1 pupils. On the big day, the staff of the school wore 100 Days Smarter badges and congratulated the P.1 students. The P.1 students participated in a number of activities in the classroom and in the hall including ‘100 seconds block challenge’ and ‘100 Days Scavenger Hunt’. Students sang songs, danced and clapped joyfully. Students got a certificate and a big present from P.T.A. at the end. They all had a great time in the big celebration.




SCOLAR Programme- Story Quest
  1. Name of the inter-school event:SCOLAR programme – From reading to e-writing with 21st century skills
  2. Date of the inter-school event:7th November, 2023 - 8th November, 2023
  3. Description of the inter-school event: An English Language Programme in SCOLAR English Alliance 2023/24 was offered this year.  The programme was ‘From reading to e-writing with 21st century Skills'.  30 P.5 students have attended two student sessions, Session 1 (3 hours) and Session 2 (2 hours).  Session 1 was ‘Getting ready to write’.  Pupils had the opportunities to read and analyze reading texts of a specific theme. The theme was ‘Robots Teaching in the Future (Level 2)’.  They managed to learn and practice self-regulated reading and writing strategies as well as graphic organizers in different stages of writing: before, while and after.  Besides, they engaged in learning tasks which developed their self-regulation and 21st century skills, enhanced with e-learning resources/tools.  Session 2 was ‘Experiencing the three writing stages’.  Students had the chances to create their own writings (e.g. posters, brochures, blogs, information texts and articles) using self-regulated writing strategies during the ‘Before’, ‘While’ and ‘After’ writing stages as well as publish their final drafts using Book Creator.  Pupils enjoyed ample opportunity to express their ideas creatively and confidently. 



1. School-based English Language Activities

Our school organized a wide variety of learning activities, such as English Wednesday, Primary 1 100 Days of School and recess activities, to arouse pupils' interests in learning English. They could have more opportunities to read, write, speak and listen in a fun and interactive way. Every Wednesday, pupils are encouraged to speak in English with the principal, teachers and fellow schoolmates. English songs are broadcasted to give pupils a fresh start of the day. They are also invited to do a short sharing of famous quotes in the morning assembly so as to bring positive vibes to each and every pupil. Besides, inspirational quotes are taught by teachers every month. It is hoped that positive values and attitudes could be instilled in pupils' minds.

Book Day
  1. Name of the intra-school event:Book Day
  2. Date of the intra-school event:29th March, 2021(To be held in 2024)
  3. Description of the intra-school event:Primary 2 pupils and their teachers were dressed up as their favourite book characters on Book Day.  They had a parade to introduce their favourite book characters to everyone.  They also knew more about stories from book characters through interviews and learning activities in class.  Both teachers and pupils enjoyed this fun activity.


1st Hong Kong Schools English Penmanship Competition (Intra-school)
  1. Name of the intra-school eventThe 3rd Hong Kong School Chinese & English Handwriting Competition
  2. Date of the intra-school event19th October, 2023 - 1st November, 2023
  3. Description of the intra-school event: Champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up were selected from each level in our school and each sub-category (Primary 1-2 [Junior Group]; Primary 3-4 [Intermediate Group]; Primary 5-6 [Senior Group]).  They were then sent for taking part in the 3rd Hong Kong School Chinese & English Handwriting Competition.  Certificates and gifts for the intra-school competition were presented to each prize-winner in the prize-giving ceremony in February, 2024.  It is hoped that through this competition, students would become more aware of their handwriting and understand the importance of writing neatly.

                                                 The results of the penmanship competition are as below:


Junior levels (Primary 1-2)

Chan Yu Sing (1P)

Xie Yining (1H)

Wong To Ho Bret (2H)

Intermediate levels (Primary 3-4)

Lam Yuen Sum (4H)

Lau Yan Fung (4H)

Tan Nga Yan (4H)

Senior levels (Primary 5-6)

Wong Pui Yin Charis (5H)

Wang Alice (6H)

Tang Ka Hei Jamie (6G)


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