Week of Love
2024-05-10 (星期五)
Our school celebrated the Week of Love and Growth from the 6th May – 10th May. Our English teachers and NET teachers planned and created various activities for students to participate and enjoy during the recess. The core message of the week was to teach student’s the importance of loving and valuing oneself, our family, friends and our community. During English lessons, students learnt positive traits, listened to some love jokes and also sang together. For NET lessons, students were introduced to the core text “The Reflection in ME, FableVision”, through which they explored and identified their self – worth. Not only that, students embedded the slogan ‘May you see yourself as you truly are’ in the lessons as well as during the recess activities. Week of Love and Growth proved to be a vital point in developing and promoting emotional and mental health of our students.
軒尼詩道官立小學(銅鑼灣)電話:2157 2788傳真:2157 2789
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